Saturday, October 6, 2012

Leaf Painting

Today was a perfect fall day in New England.  The sun was out, the sky was blue and it was warm enough to play outside in short sleeves!  There were rain-threatening clouds on the horizon most of the day.  This afternoon called for an impromptu play date with the neighbor Littles, and thus some quick thinking to keep them all entertained.

Zayit is fascinated with the leaves falling from the trees.  Yesterday we went for a walk up our street and picked out a number of "beautiful" leaves that had found a resting spot on the ground.  Out came the paints!  I know... having three 3 year olds with paintbrushes could be dangerous, but I just remind myself that everything is washable.  I taped a long strip of paper to the porch floor and had the kids line up their leaves that they had found.  Then gave them each a paintbrush and palette of paints.  The outcome was phenomenal!  The kids were QUIET for a good 15 minutes and all were WELL BEHAVED!  I couldn't believe it!

These leaves will make lovely fall decorations for our art wall.


  1. My daughter loves to paint. She'll sit there for a long time just painting away! We'll have to do something like this. :)

    1. Kendall... We really had a lot of fun with this. And it was soooo easy! My little guy doesn't often want to paint on paper, but give him someTHING to paint and he's all for it! Have fun!


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