Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

We had a fun mid-week day off!  Oliver spent over an hour playing in the kitchen sink... and I mean litterally IN the sink!  He enjoys helping me with the dishes whenever I'll let him.  Usually he is standing in his Learning Tower and he gets one side of the sink for play while I wash on the other side. Today was much more fun... he got IN the sink!  He washed one sippy cup for over an hour.  He used the sponge and soap and kept scrubbing and rinsing.  It was hilarious to watch.  He was learning the whole time.  Something some "Montessorians" would call "practical life."  We call it play!

After nappy, we went across the street and played with the neighbor kids, splashed in a pool and BBQ'd.  Oliver had a chance to experiment with sparklers before bed.  At the end of the day we were all exhausted!  A day off well spent with the dude!

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